Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Washington considering following Utah and Arizona in allowing "alternative business structures" for the practice of law

As posted in the Washington Bar Association's website:  

As proposed, the pilot program on entity regulation would allow entities to provide legal and law-related services in Washington under time-bound, limited exemptions from the otherwise applicable rules and statutes governing entities practicing law. If approved by the Court, among U.S. jurisdictions, Washington would follow only Utah and Arizona in executing a plan to determine how the delivery of legal services by entities can be regulated in a manner that protects consumers and promotes broader access to legal services. Under the proposal, participating entities would be required to abide by a Supreme Court authorizing order detailing conditions on their participation, including adherence to rules of ethics and regular reporting of data and information relating to their delivery of services to the public.

You can provide feedback to the WSBA and Practice of Law Board during the next Board of Governors meeting Sept. 6-7 or via email at entityregulationpilot@wsba.org.

Go here for more information.

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