Friday, July 5, 2024

Rudy Giuliani is, finally and officially, disbarred in New York

In a move that I suspect surprised no one, Rudy Giuliani was been disbarred in New York.  You can read the full order here.  It concludes, in part that, 

Contrary to respondent’s allegations, there is nothing on the record before us that would permit the conclusion that respondent lacked knowledge of the falsehood of the numerous statements that he made, and that he had a good faith basis to believe them to be true. On the contrary, as the Referee properly found, the 16 acts of falsehoods carried out by respondent were deliberate and constituted a transparent pattern of conduct intended and designed to deceive. More specifically, as the Referee aptly described, respondent “told numerous lies in the numerous forums all designed to create distrust of the elective system of our country in the minds of the citizens and to destroy their confidence in the legitimacy of our government.” Undeterred, respondent went as far as to attempt to deceive this tribunal by his numerous inconsistent statements before the Referee and the AGC.

 As you probably recall, Giuliani was suspended from practice in New York in 2021 pending his disciplinary proceeding (see here) and later disbarred in Washington Dc (see here).  The proceeding took a long time to unfold in New York but the decision was finally announced this week.  

For all my posts about the claims against Giuliani, go here.

You can read coverage and commentary about the disbarment in New York, here:

The Hill


Law & Crime

Courthouse News Service


The Legal Profession Blog

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