Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Two days ago I lamented the lack of action against prosecutors who present false testimony; here is an example of the opposite

A couple of days ago, I commented on a news story about possible perjury by prosecutors’ witnesses and complained about the lack of action against prosecutors who present false testimony.

In response, one of the readers of the blog sent me a copy of Grievance Administrator v. Plants (March 20, 2012) in which the Michigan Attorney Disciplinary Board disbarred a prosecutor for presenting perjured testimony. In its opinion, the Board stated that "knowing submission of false testimony is among the most serious of ethical violations and the presumptive sanction for such misconduct is disbarment."

Thank you very much to Cynthia for the link!

1 comment:

  1. Why does it trouble me that one of the few cases would be against a female prosecutor?
