Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Vote for innovative ideas at the Innovating Forum

Are you interested in new ideas on how to change and improve our justice system?  If so, take a look at the Innovating Justice Forum  of the Hague Institute for Internationalisation of Law.

One of those ideas comes from my friend and colleague David Wexler and I encourage you to take a look at it.  David's work originated the concept of "therapeutic jurisprudence" (or "TJ") which argues for the need for a new perspective to study the extent to which substantive rules, legal procedures, and the role of legal actors (lawyers and judges primarily) produce therapeutic or antitherapeutic consequences for individuals involved in the legal process.  Here is a short video in which he explains the concept.

Recently, David has been working with a US judge (Michael Jones ) and a Victoria, Australia magistrate (Pauline Spencer) on a new therapeutic jurisprudence project called "Integrating the Healing Approach to the Criminal Law." 

The project has been nominated by the Hague Institute for Internationalisation of Law Innovating Justice forum under the "Innovative Idea" category and you can read about and vote for it here