Friday, December 1, 2023

Federal Court Dismisses Law Firm’s Suit Against DoNotPay for Unauthorized Law Practice - UPDATED

November 23, 2023

Long term readers of this blog will remember the saga of the company "Do Not Pay" which at one point claimed to provide the services of the first robot lawyer, but was later the subject of an investigation that exposed it did not live up to many of its claims.  Eventually, a law firm filed a class action claim against the company claiming that it was providing legal services in violation of the Illinois statute on the unauthorized practice of law.

If you want to refresh your memory on the details of the original story, and to review how we got to this point, go back and check out my posts from January 29February 14February 16March 4March 10March 17 and October 21.

Today I am writing to report that, as the title of this post points out, the court in the case alleging unauthorized practice of law agreed with DoNotPay, holding that the plaintiff law firm had failed to establish standing because it had failed to allege that it has suffered any concrete injury.

For more details on the story and links to the court's order and more, go to LawSites, here.

UPDATE 12/1/23: The decision has generated some commentary.  Here are a few links

In Case of ‘Real Lawyers Against A Robot Lawyer,’ Federal Court Dismisses Law Firm’s Suit Against DoNotPay for Unauthorized Law Practice (Law Sites)

Judge tosses UPL suit against 'robot lawyer' DoNotPay, saying law firm plaintiff was not harmed (ABA Journal)

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